If you think brackets are just about sports, you’re wrong!
We can turn any argument into a bracket!

Most annoying celebrity? The best movie of all time? Best song of 1998?

We can bracket that! We’ll settle this!

Most important: YOUR VOTE COUNTS!

Your Vote Counts

  • Live Action

    Play live against other users from around the world! Your vote will count, and so will all of theirs. Find out who or what is the best of the best and let your voice be heard! #yvc #yourvotecounts  

  • You Choose!

    Fill out your bracket. Pick the winners in each head to head match up considering not only who you think should win, but who everyone else thinks should win. Then cross your fingers and hope for the best!  

  • Instant Action

    Don't want to wait for others to vote? Play the instant games where results have already been decided. All you do is fill out your bracket and wait for the BracketBucks to add up!  

  • Fun Categories

    With multiple categories to play, everyone will find something to enjoy in the world of Fantasy Brackets! Music, Art, Sports and more!  

Android app on Google Play

Download it Now!

Fantasy Brackets’ goal is to solve the big questions of the world…
championfinal - 1

Who would win in a one-on-one game between Jordan and Kobe?

 Which city is more romantic?  Paris or Rome?

What questions do you want answered? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter! #yvc #yourvotecounts

JAG Entertainment, LLC 2016